My students often ask for playlists or track names so they can practise so here are a few musicians and suggestions to get you started

Hossam Ramzy has produced a vast number of albums many with tracks suitable for our style of dance. Favourites include Efrooh Bwadina, El Gamel Wel Gammal, Roah Albi, Habbetik B'Jnoon and the collaboration with Phil Thornton which produced the Immortal Egypt album

Solace is Jeremiah Soto – you can buy his fabulous music here favourite tracks include Bounce, Anathema, Two Gypsies, Blessings and Qabil

Phil Thornton has produced several favourites such as Derwood Green, Bay City Shimmy (FatChance mix), Ali’s Mizmar, Immortal Egypt and Duma Sa Duma

Afrit Temple lead by Andrew Shakinovsky has produced several albums with dancers in mind, and features ethnic drumming and rhythms. Afrit Temple draws its influences from Middle Eastern, medieval, world folk and early music.
Lots of tracks for our style including Summer Bonfire, Ivory Line, Reed Dance, Festival of Spring for starters

Helm produce many traditional tracks as well as their own and have worked with Carolena Nericcio to produce specific music for ATS